Saturday 11 December 2010

How unclever can you be ??

I don't doubt that some of those involved in the mess , destruction , vandalism , call it what you will were students. Foolishly, caught up in the rush of being in a rampant melee , easy to judge but we're all human and it does happen !! Thing is , those souls that found themselves stepping over their ownn  boundaries are going to regret it in the cold light of day. Sounds corny but they've let a huge number of people down, from the NUS to anyone who is/was on the verge of getting out onto the street to join any kind of protest on any kind of level !
Those that set out to cause a riot , knew exactly what they were doing and will forever think of themselves as the torch carriers of a cause celebre.Wrong , laughably wrong !! Whatever they call themselves , however they identify themselves , those that attended the student fees protest intending to create violent unrest , if that was their sole aim , goal , desire achieved nothing save revelling in those minutes of being part of a mob. You achieved sod all , average Joe can't even turn a blind eye to say you were "our hooligans" taking on theirs. T.v caught enough to paint a pretty good picture of a collection of people I struggle to describe acting so selfishly as to defy any kind of humane classification. Got it , "TURDS " that's about as near as I can get , you stupid , selfish simple turds! I don't pretend to understand physics but it seems to me that these turds ( I like the adjective even more !!) have created a football stadium sized heap of anti matter. Anti matter that alienates joe public who may have harboured sympathies for the students in their fight against tutition fees increases. Anti matter that loads the gun of those whose purpose it serves to curb freedom of speech. Anti matter for those who seek to deflect the blame for our current financial woes. Anti matter that feeds the corporate, rich elite, brand stomping machines because regular Joe and Joanne whilst passively agreeing with the need for fairness and human rights just will not rise up and align themselves with "TURDS." You silly silly extraordinarily dim selfish fools, enjoy your beer, laugh at whatever victory it is you think you've achieved  but know this, you may as well have laid down and poured a bucket of piss over yourselves. Watch the news and sneer at Cameron et al  as they churn out soundbites about " unacceptable behaviour". You haven't hurt them in the slightest , you've made it so much easier for them . Whatever little flame of justification for protest there was , rest assured you blew it right out, in fact you dunked it in a bucket of sand and threw a gallon of water on top just to make sure it was dead.! Think I'm talking bollocks ?? the press has a big tar brush , they just want to sell papers or create watchable news and students. like it or not , are now covered in shit thick black tar ! while those who should be floundering like the oil drenched birds of  B.P's american offshore oil spill sit back and watch in suits fresh on from the cleaners !