Dear Editor ,
Doubtless hundreds of Echo readers will have, like
hundreds of thousands of others across the country, epressed anger and
dismay at the announcement by EDF Energy that they are increasing
energy prices by 10.7%.
By way of explanation EDF argue that wholesale costs
have gone up by 4% and that they are having to provide free insulation
etc for may homes. They also contest the rise is a result of the
government forcing them to subsidize renewable energy.
Considering the numbers, 4% of a wholesale unit
price will, I am sure, be signficantly less than 4% of a retail unit
price. The energy saving assistance EDF and friends are supposed to be
providing plainly is not free if the consumer ultimately covers their
costs, so why are we forced to acccept such unreasonable increases?
The attitude towards customers of the energy
companies is a perfect example of why profit seeking private companies
have no place in public infrastructue and services. Privatization does
not do exactly what it says on the tin! Competition, efficiency and
lower prices are not what we now reap as a result of selling off
assets which took years and billions of pounds of taxpayers money to
develop. The inescapable fact is, these companies exist to make profit
for shareholders and institutionalised investors who then take that
profit out of the real economy to be hoarded abroad, after paying
minimal if any tax on it! As far as their customers are concerned, the
mantra is simple...if you can afford it, you can have it!
Had electricity, oil and gas remained in the public
sector, profits could have been enjoyed by us all, keeping prices down
and allowing a level of investment in renewable energy and energy
saving that would benefit all both in the present and for generations
to come.
Our government in response to the news, and
typically reluctant to leap to the defence of the electorate, meekly
calls the rise "disappointing". Mr Cameron would have us believe that
he is our champion as he calls for simplified and automatic cheapest
tarrif defaults. All well and good Prime Minister but that's cold
comfort to the low paid, pensioner, disabled customers whose lowest
tarrif bill informs them the price just went up another 10%!
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