Saturday, 11 December 2010

How unclever can you be ??

I don't doubt that some of those involved in the mess , destruction , vandalism , call it what you will were students. Foolishly, caught up in the rush of being in a rampant melee , easy to judge but we're all human and it does happen !! Thing is , those souls that found themselves stepping over their ownn  boundaries are going to regret it in the cold light of day. Sounds corny but they've let a huge number of people down, from the NUS to anyone who is/was on the verge of getting out onto the street to join any kind of protest on any kind of level !
Those that set out to cause a riot , knew exactly what they were doing and will forever think of themselves as the torch carriers of a cause celebre.Wrong , laughably wrong !! Whatever they call themselves , however they identify themselves , those that attended the student fees protest intending to create violent unrest , if that was their sole aim , goal , desire achieved nothing save revelling in those minutes of being part of a mob. You achieved sod all , average Joe can't even turn a blind eye to say you were "our hooligans" taking on theirs. T.v caught enough to paint a pretty good picture of a collection of people I struggle to describe acting so selfishly as to defy any kind of humane classification. Got it , "TURDS " that's about as near as I can get , you stupid , selfish simple turds! I don't pretend to understand physics but it seems to me that these turds ( I like the adjective even more !!) have created a football stadium sized heap of anti matter. Anti matter that alienates joe public who may have harboured sympathies for the students in their fight against tutition fees increases. Anti matter that loads the gun of those whose purpose it serves to curb freedom of speech. Anti matter for those who seek to deflect the blame for our current financial woes. Anti matter that feeds the corporate, rich elite, brand stomping machines because regular Joe and Joanne whilst passively agreeing with the need for fairness and human rights just will not rise up and align themselves with "TURDS." You silly silly extraordinarily dim selfish fools, enjoy your beer, laugh at whatever victory it is you think you've achieved  but know this, you may as well have laid down and poured a bucket of piss over yourselves. Watch the news and sneer at Cameron et al  as they churn out soundbites about " unacceptable behaviour". You haven't hurt them in the slightest , you've made it so much easier for them . Whatever little flame of justification for protest there was , rest assured you blew it right out, in fact you dunked it in a bucket of sand and threw a gallon of water on top just to make sure it was dead.! Think I'm talking bollocks ?? the press has a big tar brush , they just want to sell papers or create watchable news and students. like it or not , are now covered in shit thick black tar ! while those who should be floundering like the oil drenched birds of  B.P's american offshore oil spill sit back and watch in suits fresh on from the cleaners !

Saturday, 27 November 2010

A glaring mirror ?

I can't help myself, I'm a patriotic royalist, I'm happy with that and guess it's all part of being brought up a son of a member of the armed services. Something else I've done since childhood is follow football ,specifically Leeds United in the days of Don Revie , Peter " Hotshot" Lorimer , Billy Bremner et al. Naturally I make efforts to watch our national team play in  competetive matches on T.V too, I believe in supporting any sportsperson who represents our country.
 Over the last few years I've casually followed the exploits of those teams battling it out in the Premier League. Not anymore, I've had enough of the football circus,  it's nothing more  than a massive industry that frankly takes the piss out of it's faithful paymasters. Wages  are insultingly huge for many in the topflight but what really requires examination is the cheating ( encouraged by all concerned I would argue) , the histrionics and appalling conduct on the field of those who are deemed to be role models to our children. We as a viewing / supporting ( many of whom are also paying ) public have been sucked into this branded circus and its exactly in this position that those who run / finance and sell the game want to keep us. Let me tell you now, it's bollocks and it's time we put a stop to it.
 As far as I'm concerned , football can do as it likes but it must recognise its responsibilities to our younger generations. All players cheat , they dive for fouls , appeal for decisions they know they have no right to claim, harrass and blatantly abuse referees and complain bitterly when their opponents do exactly the same.Their behaviour is pathetic to put it mildly and yet the authorities do nothing to stamp it out ! And why? because they want it to happen , whilst they may not encourage it , though passively I think they do, the powers that be in football are happy for this poor sportsmanship to continue.
 Why for instance do you think they're resisting using 4th referees for replay decisions , two reasons I suspect. with camera replays players would be getting sent off left right and centre for cheating and that wouldn't be good for business! Why , because when fans see cheating it creates tension , passion and emotion which lasts long after the final whistle. Such incidents make for good back page copy and keeps players and matches alive as a topic of conversation long into the next week. A slice of passion is naturally healthy but it's become more than that and has evolved into a season long war of accusations, and traded insults. In the cold light of day, football has little to be proud of because anything that is worthy about it is drowned in the mire of the circus.
 Personally, trhe icing on the cake for me was the South African World Cup and the performances of our national side. They suckered me good and proper I'll admit. I bought the t-shirt and the bloody huge flag for the front of the house , I truly thought our " world class " players could go a long way in the competition. Well what happened is history now and premiership footballers and their game can fuck off , I aint interested anymore, they didnt just let us down , they spat in our collective face and walked off like nothing had happened to their nice holidays. You don't need me and I sure as hell don't need you , I'll support honest sportsmen who at least look like they give a shit. One more thing, I don't trust anyone who , when representing our country can't be bothered to sing our national anthem with any pride.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

do i need or want one ??

it's frustration, it's confusing, dissatisfaction , any number of things !. It's not feeling in control of much at all !! , I don't need to know my destiny but it's fucking hard not feeling like I have a purpose. So I'm 46 cruising aimlessly towards 47 and I haven't a clue !! I'm not stupid or clueless ha , or am I ? , I have no idea, I really don't , all around me , friends , some I have a whole heap of respect for , colleagues, acquaintances, no problem , ticking nicely along with life, me fuck knows, I can't make sense of it , what am I here for ??
I lost a friend a couple of years ago,a very special man, an extrovert, he loved life, loved his family and his friends, could always see the positive, uncannily so , such a special man. I'm looking at a press clipping of him now, I miss him and know I'm not the only one. If anyone had inner peace I'd have bet my right arm it would be him , how wrong I was, shit, to sit and chew the fat with him now !!
    I've always had , I suppose you could call it an "inferiority complex", me , I think it's that mixed up with a whole lot of " useless twat" , ha, let's agree on inferiority complex for now ( thank fuck the web is so big this blog of mine will occupy less than a gnat's interest of some corner !).
   Funny, I wish so often that I could say I don't care with some sincerity but truth is , I do !!, dunno if it's injustices I see or whether a pyschiatrist would tell me it's a deep rooted recognition of the fact that I'm impotent to do anything about it all !!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Life around a disillusioned man

Life should be colourful, sometimes however I can't but feel a bit of black and white is inescapable. It's the inability of my empowered countrymen and women to have the guile to operate in two tone that winds up a simple , reasonably hard working , tax paying member of society like myself. Well, to you whoever you are, for purely self satisfaction / therapy and occasionally, pleasure, the spleen that swells with a yearning to vent from within me is going to get it's chance to do just that ! I'm going to let fly at anything and everything as I struggle to hang onto a reasonable head of mousey brown hair. My rationale explained, harness prepared , it's time to unleash my glorious naievity and crack on !