Monday 21 May 2012

Cameron, a "World Leader"

 20th May 2012     

 David Cameron, our illustrious "world leader" Prime Minister flies off to hob nob with the rest of the ineffectual G8 club in America. The bankers and financial gamblers who are wholly responsible for the lion's share of our deficit can rest easy knowing that, in their corner sits an ally who will do everything he can to help them avoid having to contribute a single penny, euro, cent or yen to deficit reduction. Far easier for him to turn his back on the British people, the hard working taxpayers and those for whom our welfare state proudly struggles to take care of than take the "tough choice" and demand the bankers et al contribute just a fraction of their immense wealth!
      Public services are being systematically starved of funding and charities are being crippled deliberately. Mr Osbourne tightens the purse strings whilst thoroughly cruel policies are being implemented by the likes of Andrew Lansley and Ian Duncan Smith.
      Our public services are being bankrupted to the point where they become ineffectual to those who need them. It will be at that point when a bright new dawn shall be promised and public services will be opened up to private business because, we will be assured, they can ensure the survival of those services. This will happen, and remember, private business is in it for profit for it's shareholders and its shareholders alone despite what spin it might feed the public. It's worth pointing out that, as a result of the introduction of Private Finance Initiatives under Labour which were supposed to provide better services cheaper as in " good value for taxpayers money" , British Taxpayers are forking out £275m a year in interest payments to those PFI agreements. We simply must not let this happen!
 Andrew Lansley, Secretary of State for Health, has this week yet again , despite being directed by the courts, refused to release the findings of The NHS  Risk Register. Why?, because, he says in spite of his and this government's commitment to transparency, the electorate should be denied access to all the evidence because we might misinterpret the words used.
      Anyone with an ounce of grey matter should be outraged. The Secretary of State not only ignores the law, he deliberately prevents evidence being brought into any open debate. It would seem reasonable therefore to assume that he knows his reforms are detrimental to the public good. The coalition have no mandate to break up our NHS for the benefit of private profit and are demonstrating a complete lack of concern for the most vulnerable in society.

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