Monday 21 May 2012

Voter Apathy, I love writing letters !

Dear Editor,
         In the wake of last week's local and mayoral elections both Messrs Cameron and Miliband must be delighted with the results. Whilst Labour may have won the numbers game, 65% of the eligible electorate chose not to vote, thus providing the coalition a mandate to continue with it's program of cuts. The Labour leadership must also be heartened that so many of us have forgiven them their part in our current situation or that they have failed to promise to reverse cuts to public services.         
         Commentators call it "voter apathy"  whilst individuals will cite a lack of trust of politicians or choice and any number of reasons not to exercise their right. Whatever the "excuses", for that is all they are, politicians and their corporate masters will continue in the same vein until we the people vote when we can and show them that we will hold them to account for their actions.         To complain that nothing will change is a groundless argument. Tax evasion and avoidance issues are still making news because activists and campaigners against wealth inequality continue to demand change. Two recent cases were highlighted where HMRC denied rebate claims from participants in tax avoidance schemes that it considered illegitimate. Only this week shareholders at Aviva and Astrazeneca voted against excessive pay deals for their executives.          
          In Australia voting is compulsory. Considering the bravery we witnessed of citizens demanding democratic freedoms in last years "Arab Spring" it seems ludicrous, if not shameful that we should need to consider such a policy. Naturally parliament's current incumbents would resist such a move and it would be speak volumes about our society if we had to introduce it here.         If our country is to grow and develop for the good of all it's citizens, we all need to accept our shared responsibility to, whatever our views, be aware of what is done in our name and have our say whenever the opportunity arises.

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